Combating infectious diseases and preparing for future pandemics
The center's primary mission is to enhance training, research, engagement and public health infrastructure to address the development of methods to prepare for, prevent and treat emerging and re-emerging infectious and non-communicable diseases. The center will coordinate efforts of the diverse and multi-disciplinary expertise of Wayne State University researchers, clinicians and instructors. Work will consist of research on vaccine development; clinical vaccine evaluation; introduction and deployment of vaccines for special populations and communities, with special attention to underserved populations; development of tools that facilitate planning, recognition and response to outbreaks of emerging infectious disease threats; and research of evidence-based interventions that mitigate the impact of emerging infectious and non-communicable diseases in Detroit and Michigan specifically.
- Avian influenza alert: Wayne State University experts advise public on current U.S. outbreak
- CEID youth ambassadors discuss raising concerns with H5N1
- Health professionals urge the community to act and address the dangers of antimicrobial resistance
- Answers about whooping cough, now on the rise across U.S.